Don’t take this the wrong way; you do not literally need to shout. I’m asking you to use your voices (on social media, but especially to people around you) to promote the clinic. It is through personal narratives; our shouts of ‘finally!’ or ‘I’m fixed’!; that #physicaltherapy actually made a difference in determining where other people go for treatment–or if they go at all. I still need help in reaching the clients I know I can help; with #physicaltherapy #braindisease or #Parkinsons even in the hands on treatment of #painmanagement #backpain or #joints #taping it matters when others testify that you do a great job & trust that someone, somewhere, can actually help.

Help me be that light to others who are hurting, who feel like ‘that other therapist’ or ‘that doctor’, ‘that hospital’, who didn’t help them ISN’T the ONLY OPTION! Professionals willing to go beyond to make sure you don’t feel alone in your journey are open to helping you, we just need to find each other.

It’s time for some loud shout outs! Help us make Purpose Driven Therapy someone’s best choice for treatment!

Please help me reach across the digital & social divide to get our message, website, services and professionals to people I know & you know might be in need. ‘Like’ ‘Share’ re-tweet; whatever way you can help us help others, I thank you!

Lisa Jundi, PT–Owner, Purpose Driven Therapy